The professional doctoral program’s field of study concentrates CPDOC’s intellectual investment in the main topics of politics and culture connected with Brazilian history and reality. From the point of view of cultural heritage and social projects, the political and historical dimensions are present both in the theoretical references and the analytical perspectives underlying the projects developed in the program.
1. Cultural Heritage
An intellectual engagement with the processes of production and reflection on cultural heritage characterize the history of CPDOC since its origin. In this research area, investigations of the concepts of heritage, material and immaterial culture, tradition and representation are addressed through different methods and approaches. Themes range from Brazilian social thought to soccer, from museums to cinema and television, from popular festivals to civic celebrations. From a more practical perspective, studies in this research area analyze and promote the establishment of archives, organizing projects of “recovery” of personal or institutional trajectories, thereby institutionalizing cultural heritage and traditions. Projects focusing on the dissemination and democratization of culture and heritage education initiatives are also addressed. An important part of the research studies developed in this area is based on the CPDOC tradition of developing methodologies for the processing of archives and establishing oral history collections, always combined with critical reflection on the social processes of production and circulation of historical sources.
- Cultural Heritage
Bernardo Buarque de Hollanda • PhD in Social History of Culture - PUC-Rio (2008)
- Brazilian social thought
- Social history of sports
Carolina Gonçalves Alves • PhD in Social Sciences – Uerj (2022)
- Sociology of culture
- Archives, memory, and intersectionalities
Daniele Chaves Amado • PhD in History - Unirio (2022)
- Archives, Heritage Management and Education
- History methodology and instruction
João Marcelo Ehlert Maia • PhD in Sociology – IUPERJ (2006)
- Brazilian social thought
- Sociology of culture
Silvia Monnerat Barbosa • PhD in Social Anthropology – Museu Nacional/UFRJ (2014)
- Urban anthropology
- Anthropological theory
Thaís Blank • PhD in Communication and Culture – UFRJ (2015)
- Visual culture
- Cinema and history
Vivian Fonseca • PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Heritage - FGV/CPDOC (2014)
- Heritage, memory, and history instruction
- History of sports
2. Social Projects and Institutions
Research on institutions is at the root of CPDOC’s identity and is conducted by a significant number of participating faculty in the program. They analyze actions, practices and perceptions of social groups and institutions primarily, but also of individuals. Studies in this area contribute to a better understanding of the processes of institution-building and decision-making in governmental structures; they explore the role of political and social leaders, as well as their multiple and complex interfaces with broader political institutions; they discuss public policies and their impact on the construction of citizenship. In its studies on institutions, CPDOC intensified its activities in the specific dimension of social projects. Research centered on the design, monitoring and evaluation of social activities conducted by public agencies, civil society organizations, and companies has therefore increased. As a result, CPDOC has through its professional master’s degree program supported the education of professionals with this expertise, working in the social responsibility departments of public and private companies and NGOs, conducting research and managing public policies that address social inequality and poverty.
- Social Projects and Institutions
Américo Oscar Guichard Freire • PhD in History – UFRJ (1998)
- History of Rio de Janeiro
- Political history of republican Brazil
Angela Moreira Domingues da Silva • PhD in History - CPDOC/FGV (2011)
- Authoritarianism in Brazil
- Judicial systems
Celso Corrêa Pinto de Castro • PhD in Social Anthropology - UFRJ (1995)
- Tourism and cultural heritage
- Theory of culture
Eduardo Melo • PhD in Political Science - London School of Economics (2017)
- International Relations
Jairo Cesar Marconi Nicolau • PhD in Political Science – IUPERJ (1995)
- Brazilian politics
- Parties, elections, and political behavior
Jaqueline Porto Zulini • PhD in Political Science – USP (2016)
- Comparative political institutions
- History, politics, and institutions
Jimmy Medeiros • PhD in Public Policy, Strategy and Development – IE/UFRJ (2016)
- Public policy
- Social safety net
Márcio Grijó Vilarouca • PhD in Political Science – IUPERJ (2007)
- Executive-legislative relations
- Brazilian political institutions
Marco Aurélio Vannucchi Leme de Mattos • PhD in History - Universidade de São Paulo (2011)
- History of republican Brazil
- Social institutions
Martina Spohr • PhD in Social History – UFRJ (2016)
- Political history of republican Brazil
- Historical collections and methodology
Sérgio Praça • PhD in Political Science – USP (2010)
- Brazilian political institutions
- Bureaucracy and politics