The Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) will hold the open lecture “What does it mean to be a social (data) scientist in the 21st century? Historical and recent trends”, with Dr. Victor Araújo, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Political Science (IPZ) at the University of Zurich (UZH), and Visiting Scholar at FGV CPDOC, with a scholarship from the Capes-PrInt Program.
Victor Araújo’s primary research agenda draws on applications of data science and (quasi) experiments to identify the impact of cash transfers and infrastructure projects on political behavior and electoral engagement. In 2019, his doctoral thesis received the Capes award for the best work in Political Science and International Relations, as well as an honorable mention in the ANPOCS theses competition. In 2022, Victor published the book "Does Religion Distract the Poor? The economic vote on its knees for morals and good customs", by Edições 70 (Grupo Almedina Brasil).
As discussants, LHuD invited Jairo Nicolau and Jimmy Medeiros, both from FGV CPDOC. Jairo Nicolau is Full Professor, Doctor in Political Science from IUPERJ. Jimmy Medeiros acts as Researcher and Head of Undergraduate Teaching in Social Sciences. He holds a PhD in Public Policy, Strategies and Development from UFRJ. CPDOC's Research Coordinator Juliana Marques will mediate the session.
The event takes place in a hybrid way, being online via Zoom and in person at FGV in Rio de Janeiro.
Register here for in site participation:
Register here for online participation:
A certificate of participation will be issued, provided that the in-person participant signs the attendance list and that the online participant connects to the virtual room with their full name in their Zoom profile (instructions available here).
In person at FGV in Rio de Janeiro or online via Zoom.