
27 Jun

Palestra, LHuD

Semantic Web and Digital Archives

14h:00 até 16h:00
Online. Register below

FGV CPDOC’s Digital Humanities Lab (LHuD) invites you to the lecture “Semantic Web and Digital Archives”, with Dr. Renato Rocha Souza.

Renato Souza is a Full Professor at FGV CPDOC, a researcher and data scientist with over 20 years of experience, with a PhD in Information Science and extensive international experience working with digital historical collections and Social Sciences. He acted as a visiting researcher at the University of South Wales (United Kingdom United States), Columbia University (United States) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria).

Suemi Higuchi (FGV CPDOC) will act as discusser. Suemi holds a PhD in Linguistics from PUC-Rio, an M.A. in Information Science and a Bachelor in History from UFF, as well as an MBA in Business Management and Information Technology by FGV.

Register here for online participation:

A certificate of participation will be issued, provided that the in-person participant signs the attendance list and that the online participant connects to the virtual room with their full name in their Zoom profile (instructions available here).