Winter School on Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences
June through August, 2022
FGV’s Digital Humanities Lab is pleased to invite you to participate in the Winter School on Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences. This initiative is funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES) and its Internationalization Program (PrInt).
The School is comprised of workshops and lectures in Portuguese and English, which will take place between June and August 2022, either remotely, in hybrid fashion, or in-person, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. All sessions will be held in the BRT Time Zone / Brasília Time UTC-03:00 (Standard Time).
It has a modular design in order to facilitate participation in lectures and courses of interest. Each session is "self-contained" and requires individual registration, which allows participants to choose which combinations of courses to take, based on their availability. The certificates of participation will specify in which activities, exactly, the participants took part in the School.
The School seeks to promote technical skills and encourage networking and peer support among those who work with computational methods and digital tools in the Social Sciences & History, and at cultural institutions such as archives, museums and documentation centers.
This event was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
Online | Workshop
Wednesdays and Fridays (2 PM - 5 PM), June 1st – July 1st, 2022
Oficina Introdução à programação em Python (30h/a)
Prof. Dr. Renato Souza (FGV CPDOC, Brazil)
Online | Lecture
Monday, June 27th, 2022 (2 PM - 4 PM)
Semantic Web and Digital Archives
Prof. Dr. Renato Souza (FGV CPDOC, Brazil)
Commentator: Suemi Higuchi (FGV CPDOC, Brazil)
Hybrid / Lecture
Monday, July 4, 2022 (2 PM - 4 PM)
What does it mean to be a social (data) scientist in the 21st century? Historical and recent trends
Prof. Dr. Victor Araújo (University of Zurich, Switzerland, and Capes PrInt Fellow at FGV CPDOC)
Commentator: Jairo Nicolau (FGV CPDOC, Brazil) & Jimmy Medeiros (FGV CPDOC, Brazil)
In-Person / Workshop
Wednesdays and Fridays (2PM – 4PM), July 6 - 28, 2022
Uma introdução ao uso combinado de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos nas Ciências Sociais (16h/a)
Prof. Dr. Victor Araújo (University of Zurich, Switzerland, and Capes PrInt Fellow at FGV CPDOC)
Online | Workshop
Monday to Friday (3 PM – 5 PM), July 25 - August 5, 2022
Oficina Aplicação da programação em Python (30h/a)
Prof. Dr. Renato Souza (FGV CPDOC, Brazil)
Online | Info Session
Wednesday (9AM – 11AM), July 20, 2022
Bilingual Info Session: IIIF for Cultural Heritage
Dr. Caterina Agostini (Princeton University) and Martim Passos (Instituto Moreira Salles)
Hybrid / Lecture
Monday, August 8, 2022 (2PM – 4PM)
Computational skills for Social Scientists: expectations and challenges
Prof. Dr. José Manuel Magallanes (University of Washington, US; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru and Capes PrInt Fellow at FGV CPDOC)
Commentator: Eduardo Mello (FGV RI, Brazil)
In-Person / Workshop
Tuesdays and Thursdays, August 9 - 25, 2022 (1PM – 4PM)
Tools for Reproducibility in Data Intensive Social Science Projects (18h/a)
Prof. Dr. José Manuel Magallanes (University of Washington, US; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru and Capes PrInt Fellow at FGV CPDOC)
In-Person / Workshop
Wednesdays and Fridays, August 3 - 26, 2022 (2PM – 4PM)
Introduction to Data-driven Research Methodologies for Digital Humanities: frameworks, practices & applications (16h/a)
Prof. Dr. Amelie Dorn (University of Vienna, Austria and Capes PrInt Fellow at FGV CPDOC), in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Renato Souza (FGV CPDOC, Brazil)
Hybrid / Lecture
Monday, August 15th, 2022
Digital Humanities & archives in Austria – insights into methods, tools & practices
Prof. Dr. Amelie Dorn (University of Vienna, Austria)
Commentator: Renato Rocha (FGV CPDOC, Brazil)
Faculty, Speakers & Commentators
- Amelie Dorn - Amelie Dorn received the B.A. degree in French, Spanish, and Portuguese and the M.A. degree in European studies from University College Dublin (UCD), the M.Phil. degree in linguistics from the Trinity College Dublin (TCD), and the Ph.D. degree in linguistics from the Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. In 2022, she is acting as Visiting Scholar at FGV CPDOC, funded by CAPES-PrInt. Since 2015, she has been a Senior Researcher with the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ACDH-OeAW). She also acts as a Principal Investigator of the ChIA Project – accessing & analyzing cultural images with new technologies, from 2019 to 2021. She has experience and knowledge in open innovation methods and practices.
- Caterina Agostini - Caterina Agostini is the Project Manager at the Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton, and the Edison Papers Postdoctoral Associate at Rutgers University. She earned her Ph.D. degree from Rutgers, and her book manuscript examines early modern scientific narratives and cultural productions in Italy. As a Co-Chair of the IIIF Outreach Community Group, Caterina advocates to expand the outreach of the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) and include underrepresented communities and languages. Dr. Agostini has published on digital editions, geospatial methods, cultural heritage, and the history of science. She has collaborated on computational projects at Princeton University, Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative and Lab, the New York City Digital Humanities group, Europeana, and PHAROS, The International Consortium of Photo Archives led by the Frick Collection.
- Eduardo Mello - Eduardo Mello is an Assistant Professor of Politics and international relations at Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil. He is currently Head of the Undergraduate Program at the School of International Relations. His research interests include governance, poverty reduction, the political economy of education, clientelism, the provision of public goods, and political corruption. Dr. Mello is currently working on a large-scale research project on the political and economic factors driving levels of political corruption in new democracies. He received his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics.
- Jairo Nicolau - PhD in Political Science from Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ) and Full Professor at FGV CPDOC. He holds a degree in Social Sciences from Universidade Federal Fluminense (1985) and a master's degree in Political Science from IUPERJ (1991). He has experience in Political Science, with emphasis on Electoral Studies and Political Parties, working mainly on the following topics: party system, parties, elections, chamber of deputies and electoral system. His most recent published book is entitled “Brazil doubled to the right: An X-ray of Bolsonaro’s election in 2018” (Zahar, 2020).
- Jimmy Medeiros - PhD in Public Policies, Strategies and Development from the Institute of Economics of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Master in Population Studies and Social Research from the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE-IBGE), and Bachelor in Social Sciences from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). His thesis approaches the existing social protection models in Brazil and Chile, considering the 1980s as a starting point for the comparative analysis. At FGV CPDOC, he acts as a Researcher, an Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator, and a Professor of the Graduate School.
- José Manuel Magallanes-Reyes - PhD in Computational Social Sciences (George Mason University) and Doctor in Psychology (UNMSM, Peru). Author of "Introduction to Data Science for Social and Policy Research: Collecting and Organizing Data with R and Python" and "Data Visualization and Policy Research: A Step-by-Step Approach Using R and Python", both published by Cambridge University Press. Specialist in computational approaches to public policies and policy decisions. He is a Visiting Professor at the Evans School for Public Policy and Governance, as well as Senior Data Science Fellow at the eScience Institute, both at the University of Washington. Dr. Magallanes-Reys is also a Professor at the Catholic University of Peru and a Member of Leadership for Networked World, at the Harvard-Kennedy School of Government.
- Juliana Marques - PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ), with a degree in Social Sciences and a master's degree in Sociology and Anthropology from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). During her PhD, Juliana was a visitor student at the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Marques has been Research Coordinator at FGV CPDOC since 2020. At FGV, she is also part of the Digital Humanities Lab. Her research interests include Digital Humanities, Citizen Science, Historical Sociology, and Social Welfare Policies.
- Martim Passos - Martim Passos is an architect and urban planner graduated from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). He studied Photography at the Parsons School of Design | The New School (New York) with a scholarship from the Science Without Borders Brazilian Program (2014). Martim currently works at Instituto Moreira Salles, where he researches solutions in the areas of data science, image processing and digital dissemination. He was the manager of the "Vistas Situadas do Rio de Janeiro" project, a collaboration funded by the Getty Foundation between the IMS and the imagineRio platform, conceived by humanities professors at Rice University (Houston), having participated in the annual conference of the IIIF (2021), and the 27th World Congress of Architecture (UIA 2020 Rio) as a spokesperson for the project.
- Renato Souza - Researcher, Professor and Data Scientist with +20 years of experience in Information Science, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Full Professor at FGV CPDOC. Dr. Souza holds a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, two specializations in Technology and Education, a Master Degree in Production Engineering and a PhD in Information Science. He has vast international experience, acting as Visiting Fellow (University of South Wales, UK), Visiting Researcher (Columbia University, NY) and Scientific Researcher (ÖAW, Austria). He also worked in Federal and Private Universities, K-12 and High Schools, in Private Corporations, Think Thanks, Startups, and as a Consultant.
- Suemi Higuchi - PhD in Linguistics from PUC-Rio, with emphasis in Computational Linguistics, Master in Information Science from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), postgraduate (MBA) in Business Management and Information Technology from FGV, Bachelor of History from UFF. During the Doctorate, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages at the University of Oslo (ILOS/UiO). She is one of the co-organizers of the 1st International Congress on Digital Humanities in Rio de Janeiro, HDRio2018. She has articles published in the Digital Humanities Quarterly, the International Journal on Digital Libraries, the H2D | Revista de Humanidades Digitais, among other scientific journals.
- Victor Araújo - PhD in Political Science from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and candidate for a second PhD in Political Economy and Development at the University of Zurich, Switzerland (expected in Fall 2022). Victor’s thesis at USP was awarded the national prize for the best dissertation in International Relations and Political Science by the Ministry of Education (CAPES), and received an honorable mention for the prize for the best dissertation by ANPOCS. His primary research agenda draws on applications of data science and (quasi) experiments to identify the impact of cash transfers and infrastructure projects on political behavior and electoral engagement. In 2022, he published the book "A Religião Distrai os Pobres? O voto econômico de joelhos para a moral e os bons costumes", by Edições 70 (Grupo Almedina Brasil).
Online/In-Person. Fundação Getulio Vargas. Praia de Botafogo, 190 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.